Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big Day in Poker

Yesterday I had my biggest win in online poker. I entered the 664 entrant $163 buyin tournament on Full Tilt at 7pm. By 1:30 AM I had won the tournament, and $24,402. It was the perfect combination of tight aggressive play and luck.

Having gone through the entire hand history of just over 500 hands, I can tell you that only once did I "suck out" or win when I should have lost. However, it was for my tournament life with 4 players left. The blinds were 8k/16k (initial stacks were 3k) with a 2000 chip ante and I only had 144,600 behind. Having less than 10x the big blind of 16k means I'm a short stack and need to make a move fast. With 32k in the pot preflop, winning a hand by making the others fold preflop would increase my stack by more than 20%. I ended up going all in with Qc5c and was called by AhJs. In this situation I am about 40% to win. The flop came [3d 9h 3h] , and I was down to 20% to win. The turn came 8d and I was now 14% to win. As Normal Chad would have said, "Lon, he's sleepin with angels" River came 5s and I won the pot. That brought me up to 310k. Ten hands later I got KK and doubled up to 788,400, eliminating a player. Five hands later I knocked out another player with A9 against 77.

The final hand I held AK and raised to 76,000 with 12k/24k blind levels. My opponent from Switzerland went all in for 700k+ and I called. He showed A3. The flop Was KA3, my hand held, and I took down the tournament. I think I'll take a little break from poker for a few days.

August, 2010 Edit:

almost 30 months ago, still remember this night vividly. i learned an important lesson then.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tulane welcomes Barack H. Obama

Democratic frontrunner (or underdog as he would like to be portrayed) Barack Obama graced Tulane University with his presence this morning speaking at Fogelman Arena. He seems to know what both students and New Orleanians want to hear and delivers it admirably. No talk about healthcare besides talking about building a new hospital downtown, no talk about the war besides a thank you for our troops. The speech was about the future, about hope, about change. It was about righting the wrongs of a broken government...Obama stuff. I captured the half of the speech. Enjoy the speech from a 5 o'clock perspective.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008