Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's all Political

Before John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate, nearly every sound byte out of the McCain campaign was regarding Obama's lack of experience to lead the country. Now that he's effectively undercut his own argument by picking a governor with as little or less experience, we haven't heard a peep along this line of dialogue. Instead, the Republicans have continued where they left off four years ago, using the same smear tactics that cast doubt in Americans' eyes about the honor and valor of John Kerry. Kerry chose to ignore the ads instead and lost the election.

But Barack Obama is both well funded and fired up ready to stand up to the propaganda machine that is the Republican campaign. A day ago Obama said this: “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” clearly using a metaphor to refer to the fact that McCain's policies do not represent change as he says it does.

As expected, the Republicans feigned outrage at this statement saying Obama's remarks were sexist and directed specifically at Palin. Lipstick and pig images aside, a metaphor is a metaphor. McCain's campaign could have put out a statement highlighting exactly how McCain's policies are a departure from the failed policies of the past, shooting down the premise of Obama's metaphor, but instead they chose to take the statement literally (pretending not to understand its meaning) in an attempt to discount and discredit the only candidate who speaks reality to the American people.

Vote for Obama.