Driving yesterday south on the Bruckner towards the Triboro bridge my car passed 100,000 miles.
States my car has been to: (25)
Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio. And to Canada for a few hours.
The car's been through a lot. Hitting a pothole in New Orleans that split the back rim down the entire circumference, Monsoon Monday flooding the right side of the car, very very almost hitting a wolf in the middle of the night on the highway on I-10W in Florida, almost skidding into the woods near Sugarbush in Vermont...shes been loyal.
I sort of feel like the proud parent that just watched his kid shake the principal's hand and collect his diploma. So now I'm going to post some pictures of the car or taken on road trips. Unfortunately a computer that held all kinds of old pictures (including pictures from the legendary NOLA to Boulder, CO road trip) was destroyed in a fire.