Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Car Reaches 100k miles

Driving yesterday south on the Bruckner towards the Triboro bridge my car passed 100,000 miles.

States my car has been to: (25)

Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio. And to Canada for a few hours.

The car's been through a lot. Hitting a pothole in New Orleans that split the back rim down the entire circumference, Monsoon Monday flooding the right side of the car, very very almost hitting a wolf in the middle of the night on the highway on I-10W in Florida, almost skidding into the woods near Sugarbush in Vermont...shes been loyal.

I sort of feel like the proud parent that just watched his kid shake the principal's hand and collect his diploma. So now I'm going to post some pictures of the car or taken on road trips. Unfortunately a computer that held all kinds of old pictures (including pictures from the legendary NOLA to Boulder, CO road trip) was destroyed in a fire.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Summer 2010 Preview

it's april 6th and 75 degrees outside so naturally my thoughts are gravitating towards strolling up green fairways, striping crosscourt backhands and grilling steaks. i'm really looking forward to this summer...i have all kinds of stuff planned and before i know it, it'll be winter again and time for another 6 months of cod mw2 fueled hibernation.

in other news, scrabble is up for some rule changes soon.

between now and August, the schedule includes: (excuse the poor parallelism)

1) friend's bachelor party in Montreal
2) playing the WSOP in Vegas
3) continuing flying lessons (hopefully my first solo sometime this summer)
4) the Ike (huge local golf tournament I am exempt from qualifying)
5) MCC club championship
6) weekends in Water Mill
7) recording and producing more of the music that moves me