Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mid Week Update

Classes have begun, and its back to the daily grind. The first week is always tedious as there's no material being taught, just syllabi, background info, and whatever the professor wants to fill the rest of the time with. I only need 10 credits to graduate, so I'll be pruning my schedule a little.

Earlier today, went to for a delicious King duck po-boy at Crabby Jack's with some friends. Other items we ordered were the blackened gulf fish and stuffed mirleton. All tasty and swimming in sauce.

A new season of American Idol begins tonight, so that'll probably become a staple of my Tuesday nights for a while. I always enjoy the talent search part of the show more than the produced studio performances. I do hate the music they sing 97% of the time, so what makes the show watchable? Well the writers' strike for one, but also something about Simon Cowell's opinion...you just want to hear what he's going to say.

As for what I am going to say, its anyone's guess.

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