Friday, July 3, 2009

Arrived and Relaxing

(boring post...okay to skim i wont be offended...or know)

It's 10:37am right now but feels like 3:37am. strangely, i'm doing okay. a cup of coffee on the plane and two more (delicious) at the kibbutz we're staying at in Shefayim is keeping me going. but as i write this my fingers are getting a little tired and I just let out a yawn for the ages. maybe i can stay up till the late evening.

security wasn't too bad. the young guy wanted to know my hebrew name, my favorite holiday, and if i had any friends or relatives in israel. i said purim. he said what about passover? i said yeah i like that too. then he said what is the thing called that you hide after the meal. strangely, afikoman popped right into my head and that seemed to satisfy the interviewer.

i was lucky enough to get an aisle seat in the middle of the plane which let me stretch my legs a little but, but my right elbow was knocked a few times by the flight attendants wheeling the cart down the aisle. i probably slept for 3 to 4 hours of the flight in 30 minute catnaps. besides sleeping, i read about a quarter of a Michael Lewis' Next: The Future Just Happened on the Kindle. Michael Lewis (liar's poker, moneyball) is an author I love to read because of his willingness to tell it like it is. he keeps it real and its refreshing. i also spent about an hour on the plane playing around with garage band and got most of the way done with my version of the Death Cab Song I will follow you into the dark complete with piano, bass, guitar, even church bells.

there were two meals on the plane...first chicken or beef. i chose beef (poorly) and got a a pasta dish with meat sauce. also was a bread type thing and some hummus, and cole slow and a brownie that i didnt touch. the chicken was a chicken breast with rice that looked okay. an hour before landing we were served breakfast which was either an omelette or a fruit plate. i chose the fruit plate and ignored the yogurt and granola.

we landed, picked up our bags, got through customs, picked up some cash at the ATM (400 sheqalim for $103.07 or 3.88:1 exchange rate which pleased me when i realized it was within 1% of the spot rate) and boarded the busses to the kibbutz. Since late April the dollar has weakened by about 10% against the ILS and looking at the chart, it looks like the dollar could weaken by another 5-10% in the coming months before hitting the next support level.

we arrived at the kibbutz and found our rooms. i am rooming with jake pasch, a pro golfer who lives in Florida. jake and I played together in the first round of qualifying way back a year ago. he's a nice guy and we'll probably be spending a lot of time together in the next few weeks. maybe i'll even score a free putting lesson or two.

more happened but this blog is getting long so i'll make a list:

1) had breakfast at kibbutz of israeli salad, olives, and coffee
2) showered, changed into shorts, sunblocked and trekked toward beach with junior fencers, met up with jr golfers
3) walked 10 minutes towards water. beach is 100 feet below rocky cliffs. decided to soak in the view and walk back (forgot camera so pictures coming tomorrow
4) resting/relaxing in lobby right now
5) publishing blog post

(they'll be better from here i promise)

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