Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Opening Ceremonies PrePost

Boker Tov! Opening ceremonies last night was absolutely incredible. Walking into Ramat Gan stadium with over 50,000 fans was an incredible feeling, one that I won't soon forget. With about 15 million Jews in the world, and 50,000 fans / athletes/ staff in the stadium, that means that 1 of every 300 Jews in the world were at the event last night...pretty amazing stuff. We met athletes from so many countries...a partial list: Estonia, India, Turkey, Scotland, Great Britain, Russia, France, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Columbia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Belgium etc etc.

I'll be writing a full recap of the event, including more pictures and video, but for now I'm busy planning my day. Take a deep breath and try not to worry as you read this, but I'm renting a car and driving to Jerusalem to meet up with my good friend from Horace Mann, Marc Friedman. Marc is attending Yeshiva and studying to become a rabbi! I"ll definitely be asking him a lot of questions as we roam around the city eating falafel and chatting.

I'll have my cell phone if you'd like to reach me, but the best way I believe would be to email me which'll come straight to my blackberry. I also may stop in Tel Aviv on the way back to Caesarea. By the way, renting a car seemed like a better plan ($40 per day) than a 2.5 hour $17 round trip train ride which involved a change in Lod, and a $100 per way cab ride. Maybe you'd agree with me.

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