Thursday, December 20, 2007

And away we go!

Greetings from JFK Airport. We have about an hour until we board so I thought I'd exercise my fingers.

First: I am long the dollar against the euro right now. Since around thanksgiving, the dollar has come back nearly 6 full pennies. To put it most simply, a month ago $100 bought you about €67, and today the same $100 will buy you about €70. If that doesnt seem like all that much of a difference- go ahead and "Buffettize it" and add 9 zeroes. I did the math for you and a billion dollars buys you nearly 28 million more euros than it did a month ago. That's a lot of croque monsiours and expensive taxi rides.

Second: This is my first time at the Delta terminal of JFK but i noticed something interesting about the bathrooms. While there used to be about a foot of space for your um feet between the floor and the bottom of the divider, now there is about 3 inches. It seems that some manager made the decision to unhinge all of the stall dividers and move them toward the floor- made obvious because of the now unused holes where the old bolts used to be before they moved the dividers down. Coincidence or is this the result of an airport terminal manager trying to keep peering eyes and shifty feet from under-stall exploration in a post Larry Craig world???

Third: We fly to Miami today where dad and I will pick up our rental and head to the hotel. We'll try to pick up a pair of white sneakers for me so I'm not the only invading jewish warrior not in white sneakers during the entrance procession (more details on this later) and a bathing suit. I declined purchasing one in the Polo Men's Store of Bloomingdales because I cant compromise my morals and pay $95 for a bathing suit...i just cant...and you shouldnt either. I figure average temperature and price of bathing suits are negatively correlated so if this analysis is correct, Miami should be a great place to pick up a suit.

I believe that is all for now. We may hit some golf balls later today before we have dinner at our perennial favorite, Outback Steakhouse. Stay tuned for updates with pictures and more easy reading commentary from sophisticate yours truly,


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