Saturday, December 15, 2007


First, shout outs to the wonderful Sara, who is currently in "dub town, I land" at the guinness storehouse drinking a beer and enjoying herself. come home soon :)

It's a good day when you learn something about your history that you never knew, or never saw with your own eyes. My family (aside from the immediate ones) is very musical. My dad's father Danny and his brother Teddy were both born in Canada and spent their childhood learning to master the cello and piano. Years later, they reached the top of their respective fields, testament to the amount of talent and dedication these men had.

Fast forward to 2007, and, and a random search of "Saidenberg," and out pops an extremely rare video from 1939 (potentially the only that survived) of my great uncle Theodore (Teddy) playing the piano and possibly one of the greatest cellists of the 20th century Emanuel Feuerman playing two songs together.

While not a classical music fanatic, I certainly appreciate the mastery and beauty behind the performance. Watching it gives me chills as when they pan over to Teddy playing the piano, I can see a part of myself nearly a half century before I was born. thanks youtube.

1 comment:

sarainprague said...

hey! thanks for the shoutout. but i wasn't doing shots, just drinking guiness. this video is pretty cool. love you!