Monday, December 31, 2007

Competition Day 4 + USA Team 1 Takes Gold

Today, the final round of competition, was brutally hot. I was playing with the same South African guys that I played with the previous day because we started right around the same scores and finished with about the same scores. Today went well, but towards the end my concentration faltered and I finished up with a +7 80. Overall, my scores were 77-78-75-80 for +18 through 72 holes. This week my "natural rate" was a bogey every four holes, which isnt bad for a graduate student that doesnt play much, but I know I left at least a dozen shots out on the course. Most of these shots left out there were putts between 3 and 12 feet that a better putter would have sunk.

In case your interested, here's the breakdown of how I saw my game this week:

driving: approximately 5 drivers hit in 4 rounds of competition two of which went in water on hole 10, approximately 45 3 woods hit. no balls lost with 3w, approximately 96% success rate of 3 woods including punch shots under wind, draws, fades, and high shots when wind directly behind. A/A-

irons: lack of command of distance control, 52 degree gap wedge habitually going left, few excellent shots but yes a couple, some semi skulled, some fairly fat, some left but more right and short. B

chipping: thank you Dave Merkow for your tips, excellent chips all four rounds. none skulled, none fat. good direction control. distance control good to quite good. many excellent chips to two feet or less. A/A-

bunkers: made one birdie from fairway bunker, 100% successful splash rate, mostly excellent bunker shots, several near hole outs. A+

putting: goodness gracious, er badness gracious. bad distance control. poor command of putter head. some pulls, countless pushes, several back to back three putts, lack of confidence, lack of green reading aptitude. day 2 made 0 putts >3 feet C-

course management: gave up distance for accuracy all week with success. occasionally short sided on irons, always confirmed wind direction, speed, exact yardage. A-/A

attitude: only one upset moment on course in four days, on day 3 where the driver on 10 went into water, knew as soon as i hit it. fair amount of mini successes from a sunk putt or two, solid chips, bunker shots. kept level head at all times, no screaming, yelling, cursing, throwing of clubs, etc. A

overall: B+/B+/A-

USA team 1 took home the gold, led by David Merkow who won the individual gold with a stellar (understatement) 6 under round of 67 including a missed 6 footer for birdie on 18 when the victory was already clinched. David is someone who plays with pride for himself and for his country and my hat is off to him.

My dad was also one of the winners of the day, taking home the gold medal for the USA Masters team who beat out several other teams. I am thrilled for him. He was pretty satisfied I think, but was also completely wiped out by the scorching weather.

Happy New Years to all my friends and family, and blog readers. 2007 was a memorable year in many ways, and life is great. Fantastic even.

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