Let's back up though. In Miami, I found my seat around row 35E which put me in the middle seat of the middle row (2-5-2 configuration) which definitely wasn't ideal but i was sitting next to a very nice guy Kenny from Atlanta and we chatted for a while. As we jetted into the night, I was eager to press the little button and recline my seat a bit...but then tap tap..."yeah you cant do that" says a teenage swimmer. Blink. Blink. "Um," I say, "The woman in front of me reclined her seat and I'm gonna do it do I dont understand the problem." The conversation ended there, but not 30 seconds later I felt a push. How nice, my seat was back unreclined. Okay, no problem...press the button...re-recline...and i get pushed back forward again. Finally, I turned around, and through gritted teeth I said, "Listen bud we can play this game all night, but I'm going to be comfortable and that's just what's going to happen." I really think I was as nice as I could have been. Anyway, no major airplane news besides that.
Ten hours later, we entered a misty, cool (68 degs) Buenos Aires. Dad and I picked up our bags and found our way to where we needed to go. We boarded different busses as Dad is basically on a completely different trip and staying in a different hotel. We had to wait another hour because "for security reasons" (a very popular phrase today) the busses had to leave together.
An hour later we left with a full police escort. Maybe you don't understand exactly what I mean. We left the airport with 3 packed tour busses. In the front was a police car with machine guns drawn and sticking out the windows left and right. Between each bus was a police car, as well as behind, and we were also flanked by motorcycle cops whose job it was to stop and clear traffic from all around us. Believe me, we were stared at. Oh, I forgot to mention, A HELICOPTER was also following us, and would go to about 500 feet and in front of us and then down to literally 50 feet hovering protecting us from possible ambushes. Believe me, no expense was spared for the protection of these invading jewish warriors.
An hour later, we were at Hebraica, a community/country club with 700 houses, tennis courts, golf courses, gyms, etc. where lunch was waiting. We ate delicious meat empanadas and bubbly Argentinian water. After lunch, we went to orientation where we saw a video and listened to the director tell us a few things about what to do and what not to do. After this, we had some dessert, and it was time to go back to the Sheraton.
Our bags were offloaded and we filled out a form at the hotel to get our keys. I went upstairs, (btw i am being a bit terse tonight because i only have 30 minutes of free internet each day) unpacked, took a shower, and it was time to go to the cruise! A five minute bus ride brought us to the marina where we boarded the boat and cruised around the harbor for a few hours. A fun band of a tuba, accordion, guitar and drummer was playing Jewish favorites and good time was had by all.
Tomorrow we leave to go back to Hebraica at 7AM to practice and play. More updates to come.
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