Sunday, December 30, 2007

Competition Day 3

Woke up early and got on the bus to the course. Started on time and played with two South African gentleman. Started out -1 though 4, but had a bad stretch where I was +5 from holes 5 through 10. After that, I regained my concentration and finished strongly at -2 for my last 8. Shot a 39-36 75, (-1 on the backside after bogeying 10 because I hit my only driver in the water again) and I was pleased to improve my score. I had two three putts in a row on the front side which threw me off, but I take pride in the fact that I am level headed on the golf course and don't let mistakes like these affect me negatively though I am trying to use my mini successes on the course to build positive momentum.

Tomorrow is the final round of competition. I expect USA Team A and USA Masters to take gold, though the open team medals are still anybody's game. Will it be South Africa, USA, or Argentina taking home gold? I am excited for my dad and some good friends of mine who not only are great people, but are also in line for some nice hardware.

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