Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thank you McDonalds Wifi

We're out at a restaurant now, and I picked up free wifi from the McDonalds across the street. I was downstairs using the internet when the junior golf team some open players came by on their way to dinner. We had the lomo (tenderloin) for 5 and papas three ways and it was absolutely fantastic.

Earlier today we played on the competition course, and I played pretty well. Had a birdie and a made a few nice putts, but I was most pleased with my irons hit directly into the 30 mph wind. I only played ten holes because the bus was leaving at 2. Tomorrow we LEAVE for the course at 6:15, and the opening ceremonies starts at 6. If the trip so far is indication, the cermonies should be epic. Epic.

On a side note, Billy Goldfarb is the man, and he predicts that the US (thanks to me) will bring home the ORO. Since this is turning into the non sequitor paragraph, I'll say that I've been practicing my Spanish like a banshee. On the golf course today, Alejandro my caddy and I chatted it up about pretty much everything and about 80% of what he said I could understand perfectly, and what I couldnt understand, I was able to ask him a question or two about what a word meant or asked him to say something in another way and we could communicate. Also, at dinner tonight, I was the only person who spoke conversational Spanish which put me in the position of table captain and head translator. Anyone who had a question asked me, and I translated, and listened, and translated back to english. And I'm speaking pretty fast too, and using subjunctive and past and future tenses!!!! Senoritas Guthrie, Naughton, Driscoll (ugh) from HM, and McCaffrey, Bolig, and Sullivan from Tulane would all be proud.

Also, today was a record for number of hits on my little blogita, with a visitor from Karachi, Pakistan and from Istanbul, Turkey. Hope everyone has been enjoying my writeups, and they should get a lot more interesting (from their already high level of interestingness) once the competition starts.

BTW, time of my life.


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