Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rest and Relaxation

Hopefully not practicing at all for a month before the Maccabi Games will help rather than hurt, but who knows. Since I've returned to NYC, I've done lots of resting and relaxing and visiting with the family. It's great to be back home seeing everyone :)

We are in the middle of a project in the apartment. Apparently, carpets become dust magnets after fifteen years, so we are in the process of tearing up all of the carpets in the apartment followed by a redesign of my room. Who knew my room had hardwood floors under the carpet!

In the next few days (exciting i know) I'm going to be going through my room seeing what needs to be thrown out, what should be kept, and how I want to rearrange my room to a more "grown-up" layout. It should be mentioned that my room has not been fiddled with for well over a decade, so its definitely time to make some improvements. On the list is a TV (never had one in the room) and a new bigger bed (finally) and maybe some other doodads and knicknacks.

Not much poker lately, just havent been feeling it, although Ive played about 30 minutes each of the last two days to try and earn my year end bonus of about $600. Add that to the rakeback (20% of the money I pay to Full Tilt in terms of buyin fees and cash game rakes comes back to me once a month), and I should return from argentina with about $1,500 extra in the account.

Over the next few days, I plan on working on my room, meeting up with some old friends, and doing some more r+r before things get crazy down in argentina. steak anyone?

1 comment:

sarainprague said...

i would like a steak. but a kosher one, please. miss you!